
Customer Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) details with one Click

What is AFM_Filler

AFM_Filler is a simple and straightforward solution for auto-filling Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) details in the Shopify shopping cart. Using AFM_Filler, customers simply enter their Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) and, depending on the form option you have configured, either by pressing a button or automatically after entering the 9 numbers, the system fills in all the necessary details without any errors via of GOV.

After the order is completed, all customer details are displayed on the order, under the 'Notes' section, facilitating further management. In addition, AFM_Filler can be directly integrated with commercial management systems, allowing automatic issuance of invoices without the need for additional verification or validity checks. This convenience means less time spent managing and more time improving your business.

  • Premium Plan

    €10 /month

    7 Days Free Trial

    Automatic completion of Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) in the shopping cart with validity check via GOV.

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    Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) in the Shopping Cart

    Automatic Form Completion

    Validity check

    'Page' Type Shopping Cart

  • Form with button

    With the button form, the user must press "Έλεγχος Α.Φ.Μ." to enable auto-completion of details.

    Change Colors

    5 Loader Designs

    Edit Fill Boxes

    Letter Processing

    Edit Checkbox

    Edit Button

  • Form without button

    In the form without a button, it is enough to enter the 9 numbers of the Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) number for the data to be filled in automatically.

    Change Colors

    5 Loader Designs

    Edit Fill Boxes

    Letter Processing

    Edit Checkbox

    AutoComplete with 9 Numbers

How AFM_Filler works

Instant AutoFill

During the shopping cart process, customers are offered the option to declare via a checkbox if they wish an invoice for their purchase. Activating it reveals the Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) form you have configured, whether it requires pressing a button or automatically filling in the details after your customers enter the 9 digits of the Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ). Upon entering the 9 digits of the Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ), essential details such as address, company name, Tax Office, etc., are filled in seconds through GOV. This makes the purchasing process faster and more accurate, improving the shopping experience.

Zero Errors

The Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) filling process through our form effectively avoids the mistakes that customers could make when entering their information. In the event that even one incorrect number is entered in the Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ), the form automatically fills in the information as "N/A", indicating that the specific Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) is not validly recognized by the state database. This ensures that you don't have to contact your customers to verify any errors, facilitating smooth transaction completion and improving the shopping experience.

Data Management

After your customers complete their purchase by filling in the necessary Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) details, you have the ability to see all the details in their order within Shopify, in the 'Orders' section, right under 'Notes'. There, all the details related to the customer's AFM are gathered, facilitating their matching with the commercial management system you use. This allows for an automated invoicing process without errors, offering significant time savings and optimization of the order confirmation and shipping process.

Try the Process Live

We offer you the opportunity to live test the AFM_Filler, so you can familiarise yourself first-hand with the experience of using our app's Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) form.

This trial allows you to fill in your Greek Vat(Α.Φ.Μ) details and directly see the automated process of completing the rest of the necessary information, just as it would work for your customers. Ensure a personal experience of the functionality and benefits of the application before activating it for your audience, so you have a complete picture of what to expect and how it will enhance the shopping experience in your store.

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